Eat that frog with a Pomodoro!

Zarmina Saeed
3 min readApr 15, 2021

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo. This technique uses time to break down work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks.⏰

I decided to work on my "Food biotechnology assignment" by using Pomodoro technique. My assignment was pending for so long and the deadline was also near. Finally I came to know Pomodoro technique through one of the Amal online courses. I found it really interesting and decided to experience it.

🍥What happened when I was experiencing Pomodoro technique
I was all set with my laptop, charger and all other accessories. Then I set alarm at the intervals of 25 minutes. I turned off my mobile data to avoid any sort of distractions from it. I divided the content of my assignment into four parts as follows:
2)First application
3)Second application
When I was doing the first task I realized that I had to take some material from internet. For that I turned my mobile data on and several messages popped up. I was going to open them all but soon I realized that I have to ignore the distractions. I fully focused on my task and completed the first task right on time🍫. It gave me confidence and I realized that I can do the remaining four tasks in 25 minutes interval if I follow the rules completely. I marked a tick on paper as an indication for the completion of first task.
Then I completed the second task in the same way and there were no such distractions.🤩
But during the completion of the third task I faced a distraction as I went out of my room to woke my mother up for namaz. Then I came and realized that I had broken my tempo🥺. I quickly completed my third task but my work pace was decreased. During the break I encouraged myself as one-fourth of my assignment was remaining. I was feeling very excited and in that excitement I completed my fourth task before time. Then I edited the whole assignment and saved it🥳.

Completed my assignment using Pomodoro technique

🍥My experience for Pomodoro technique:
I found this technique very interesting and unique. It helped me in completion of my assignment for which I was procrastinating for almost 2 weeks. After experiencing it now i realize that I can do any task by just focusing on it and by ignoring the distractions on it's way. I have decided to apply this technique while doing my university assignments and other study related tasks.

🍥How will I improve my experience❓
I will follow the following directions in order to improve my experience for Pomodoro technique:
➡️ I'll sit in complete isolation away from all distractions.
➡️ I'll try to keep my mobile data off.
➡️ I'll try to increase my speed for that particular task.
➡️ I'll do my task while sitting in an area free of disturbance.

I recommend you all to experience it just once and you will fall in love with it.♥️

